Laminators Inc. has renewed the Notice of Acceptance (NOA) from Miami-Dade County Product Control Section for Omega-Lite ACM panels installed with all four (4) of the company’s installation systems under NOA # 18-0214.03, expiring on August 20, 2020. The NOA certifies that Omega-Lite ACM, installed with Laminators’ 1-Piece, Tight-Fit Molding, Clip & Caulk, Rout & Return and Dry Seal installation systems, was designed and tested to the strict protocols required in Miami-Dade County.

Laminators Inc.’s Omega-Lite ACM panels and installation systems are approved for use in all HVHZs with a design wind pressure of +/- 120 pounds per square foot. Each installation system met the requirements of the small and large missile impact testing using Omega-Lite ACM panel over a plywood substrate.

Omega-Lite ACM panels offer a highly decorative, strong, and durable surface finish for exterior wall surfaces. Composed of a polypropylene, corrugated core between two finished aluminum sheets, the lightweight panels are non-absorbent, water-resistant, and easy to maintain.