The U.S. government approved a $500 tax credit for qualifying metal roofs installed in 2015 and 2016.

This provides a new marketing opportunity for the metal roofing industry, as this is the first time in several years that the tax credit isn’t just retroactive, but is guaranteed for the current year.

Here are the key details for the tax credit:

  • Metal roof must be placed on a homeowner’s principal residence.
  • Tax Credit is for 10% of the cost of the roof, excluding labor, with a maximum deduction of
  • Metal roofs with appropriate pigmented coatings that also meet ENERGY STAR requirements are eligible. Visit Energy Star site for more information.
  • Only highly reflective roofs will qualify – the IRS defines this as “appropriately pigmented coating that is specifically and primarily designed to reduce the heat gain of the dwelling unit.
  • This tax credit is for remodeling projects only, not new construction.
  • Homeowners will need a Manufacturer Certification Statement to file with IRS Tax form 5695.
  • 2015 and 2016 installations are eligible for the deduction.

Bill Croucher, Director of Engineering for MRA member manufacturer Fabral, explains: “It’s important for members of the metal roofing industry to know that bare metal, including either unpainted or clear acrylic coated Galvalume do not qualify for the 2015/2016 tax credit. Unpainted metal has a very low emissivity value and even though it meets the reflectivity requirements for the Energy Star program, the solar energy that is not reflected is held in the metal much longer than painted material with a high emissivity.”